When it comes to seafood, for us, it doesn’t get any better than some classic Maryland crab cakes. What makes the Maryland variety so special, you ask? It’s highly debated by people, but it’s a combination of the seasoning (Old Bay, which originated in Maryland), the traditional type of crab meat (Maryland blue crab), and the ratio of breadcrumbs, among other things, that bring out all that amazing east coast flavor.
Maryland Crab Cakes Horizontal 2Maryland Crab Cakes Horizontal 7Ultimately, the finished result should be perfectly golden and crispy on the top and bottom, which you can then dunk into your fabulous, homemade tartar sauce! While you could just as easily buy some store-bought tartar sauce, think twice before adding that to your shopping list, since making it yourself is suuuper quick and easy, plus, you probably have all the ingredients on-hand already! Mayonnaise, lemon juice and mustard make up the base of our sauce, but we also like to throw in some red onion and sweet pickle relish to give it a little more texture and punched-up flavor – the result is a sauce that complements and brings out all the flavors in the tender, crispy cakes.
One of our favorite things about this recipe is that it immediately brings back summertime memories of being at the beach with our family and taking advantage of all that amazingly fresh seafood. Trust us, these classic crab cakes don’t disappoint in the slightest; in fact, you’ll be craving them long after you’ve taken the last bite!
Classic Maryland Crab Cakes